Sunday, June 13, 2010

Work out a holiday plan...[FAILED]

Let's see how what had i done during this holiday...

holiday started...

5-7june-- camp

8-9june-- stayed at ming hao's 3D game....

10june-- went taylor to hand up our creation...later on shopping in 1U with my mom and pizza....have a 1st experience on watching 3D TV at sony night, spending my time watching Iron Man.

11june(fri) -- use new-bought RoboClean to clean my house...quite exhausting...feeling weary to the bone...then slept whole evening until night....

12june(sat) -- early go FRIM for joking...then started raining...sleeping...go maxis center which located in Times Square to subscribe Hotlink's youth club....later on went to Lowyat and buy a mouse, a ink(after demanded for couple of weeks), VGA wires and a RCA wires(link computer to my LCD TV)

13june(sun) -- wasting time...found my abandoned garena...missing dota...but become noob edi...better forget bout it...finished some homework...luckily...

14june(today)-- morning wasting my time playing with warcraft III, finished chapter I..lolx...evening watching 2 movie: Alice in the Wonderland(not so good) and Sherlock Homes(nice!,although at the beginning i dunno what it is talking about) night, wanna do write my composition but indulging in facebook and bejeweled blitz...arhhh..

15june-- this day muz be fully used in order to make sure the rest of my holiday can fully enjoy...
1st stuff that muz do...finish that 我爱我家
2nd stuff..physics
3rd...lmh homework
wait a minute....most important thing!..finish reading that percy full speed!
4th...i hope i still got time....make a SPM study plan...pack up my desk...books...papers..MIND!

16june--morning speeding with zizi...bring external harddisk...install illustrator for hui min....i'm a nice guy right? ask for that freaky moral project... system...hoping huan ling will not beat me at that time... the god had said....stop indulging in computer more! study some olympic  math question...if i able to...
if not...start memorizing sunny lim's notes...flowery phases and decorative vocabulary....or stduy model essay....
start training with writing a few paragraph....if not a few lines...

17june-- tuition again till 2pm...sing K with my lovely sisters....enjoy my time!

18june-- time also....

19june-- cameron till night...

20june-- the last day...what should i do? struggling? happy? sad? depends on myself!

21june--school started...have a nice school holiday!

TIME IS PRECIOUS...see what had i wrote? bad grammar...bad writing....i need improvement!!!!

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