Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Dreaming still dreaming...

Alvin and the chipmunk 2 coming soon and i'm not able to wait to watch it....
about 5.40pm i woke up by my sis...
"Hei, do u wan to attend the first showing ritual of alvin2?"
My mind blur and still indulge in dreams...
I shake my head and this is true...
how happy i am( i thought sure get ticket edi)
bout 6.45pm we reach Tropicana City and gonna exchange for the ticket...
we find where's the theater located...
at the time we reached the top floor....
a long queue has shocked us...
dun tell me the people in the queue is to redeem the tickets?
but is true...i think around 70-80 ppl queuing at there....
1 ppl can exchange 2 ticket...we pray for 200 seats then we will have the chances....
but the god not allow us to attend it...
the ticket giving fast at 7pm and all tickets finish redeem in 5 minutes.....
if the tickets so limited call us come within 7-8pm....
wasting time....
it looks that we have nothing to do instead of watching movie...
we 5 people but only my age below 18 only...
so pity that most of the movie i cant watch...
the only movie that suitable for us is The Princess and the frog....
it is fabulous and give happiness to all the audience too...
the story is interesting and of course a happy ending...
after that i, jia chek and his bro go find something to end but the price of food of all restaurant is not allowed us to have our dinner there....(i so poor...lolx)
the only choice is to eat boiled egg in tea, bread/buns or waffle....i having a peanut waffle with butter inside....
it is quite oily but tasty indeed...

Then we chat each other and i found out that jia chek's bro study IT too...
i am glad to grab some info from him...
he currently study in APIIT(computing school) by taking software engineering courses...
I having interest in computer but i dun have the way to choose which career i wan to...
Isn't software engineering suitable for me or security development(can become hacker....haha..) or continue involving my skills in web development???
This decision ought to have an answer after 2 years...long way to go....
at least i know i will continue my study till upper 6(高三)....
if...as my mum said if i receive jpa scholarship or pass with flying colour in SPM result then chosen to join matrikulasi programme....i will say goodbye to Chong Hwa  earlier...
Who know? God know?
Miracle may happen...
Destiny controls everything....

**i finish read all my dumped email...about 150...is easy to read it but not easy to select them....hotmail dun have the function to show unread mail....it is only a basic but windows live failed to do it....it brings inconvenience for me...and all readers too....even yahoo mail provides this function....include yahoo mail....almost every mail scratches by me....i sort them into various folder...some mails i am not willing to read them now...
**dunno what's wrong with my line...ping google with 17784ms....swt...i gonna sleep too....I having a abnormal life during this holiday....hope dota can quickly wiped off from my mind since i have throw it by uninstalling garena...

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