Thursday, December 31, 2009

SimplE, PlaiN buT MeAninGfuLL~~ BiRthDaY




then, i open msn to check lo....hong feng, pan loong...and too via phone wish me happy birthday too...making me so touch...

normally i din receive birthday present every year....but unexpectedly my sis give me a black bag as present....
lol....cos my outgoing bag edi outdated(passing from my elder sis) and spoiled during that day i go to midvalley....
it is made of leather but i think it looks big..(i think so.. :p).....anyway, thx for giving me a birthday present...

But, where's birthday song and cake??? at nitez my family and leonard go eat crabs that located near my house....
surprising the people who sitting at the table behind me singing birthday song and sliced their birthday cake...
that coincidence will not happen always and i feel lucky that i had the chance to experience it....lolz....

P.S. 说真的,第五届的领袖营真的真的很好玩!!!

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