Sunday, December 20, 2009 end holiday is coming to an end...(long post)

To me, 3 days for me to finish my undone task...that's 20,21, 22 dec....
quite a pity for me by devoted this holidays to computer and gaming...
although quite bore but i have learnt many things indeed in this holiday...
in order not to waste this 3 days again, i ought to set a memorandum here...
1. pack up my books/school bag and writing is too awful to think about...messy around...juz make it clean and tidy judging by external...

2. sort out the notes of ong's tuition(BM kosa kata) and eng tuition....and my disorder longevitology notes....tidy them as doing revision...

3. erm...what to bring to coon's house and camp?....list down also...bring money too...

4. throw dota and purifiy my it at the final day....xD...cant control la....i edi indulge in it jor....=.=
5. do "homework"....only i know...

6. simply read read book ba....i feel sorry for me....(lapsap eng...dun learn o)

7. nut 万人宴花絮 report....yiling sure bo shuang me...more than 1 week edi jor...

8. counselling website still have a bit to post...till school open then ask huan ling for more comment...

9. omg....haven start to do bulletin template....and i borrow photoshop and illustrator book from bit bit onli....

10. facial a??? gg...make it 10 things...ideal reminder...

Let me explain briefly why i have 3 more days onli....

23-25dec: kidnapped by coon to stay at his house....celebrate christmas together wif his 4A Zhong friend...hopes 4szhong friends celebrate happily wan go this party  too?

26-29dec: camp....i nid to explain to hui hui that i nid to absent from the show/drama on 31 december...see below...

30dec: my birthday...i hope santa claus will give me a big first at noon we decided to sing K at 1U...wif leo and my sisters...but my younger sis nid to go to college on that day...cancel jor...but i still can enjoy a hearty dinner at night....blessed too...

31dec- 3jan2010(mayb...): whole family go Singapore to visit my relatives...we have passport ma...dun waste it la....we go by car....on the way we may go some places to visit...the onli vacation in this holiday...i am looking forward to it....hahaha....

4jan2010: what to do??? school open day....go study tough SPM study journey juz started....god blessed me...


today i go mutiara for a meeting....万人宴检讨会...then some of them(yin chuan, jin yi, shi ru and her bf, and ***(forget...paiseh...i scare i tell the wrong name...)) go Uma eat and have a long chat at there...then at first we wan to go Brem Mall to watch movie but scare ghost at the we change our location to Kepong 风云 sis told me that the movie not worth to watch...but no choice la...i wan to watch avatar de lo...but si ru watch edi...not very bad la...6 years to make this movie leh.....if i vote this movie....i give 4 stars to its graphics and 2 stars to its story/script(full mark 5 stars)...its story quite bore and not interesting but the ending startled me...i believe the director will make 风云3 after that...but the sound effect and graphic really fantastic....haha.....

**my grammar damn bad now...i go to do the quest ...recall back those rules....

**dun think my english improve edi...
i write blog using dictionary...lingoes...for PC(i install 17 dictionaries inside =.=)...
many words i dunno and i juz use it to check for me...i scare jun shen misunderstand....
and sometimes i use some new vocab/new words...
some i learn from tuition and i try to use it....
some i check dictionary....i simply use onli....paiseh bluff u all la...
and i nid to tidy my post also...other ppl read also nid too....
sorry a....i will try to make it to more paragraph next time...

1 comment:

dontargue said...

Just some advice. You might want to focus on reading for pleasure i.e. reading storybooks instead of reading model essays. You might find this method more effective in improving your English, and your imagination.