Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I feeling strong...

I keep studying Joomla tutorial from many many websites to get ready for my project...although he haven recruit me yet but i already having the enthusiasm and responsibility to get used with it....Is somebody study to work? I have learnt many...xD Mayb i get into work can help me a really omg that i wake up at i sleep more i sure be late to tuition..=.= When i juz step out from my house the tremendous rain began to start...luckily i have brought an umbrella but the wind had blew it upside wait and wait at the busstop and i really going to be mad because the bus still not coming yet....after that it comes...but the most shocked is at metro prima no rain was impressive...i thought i will be late to tuition but now i have reach 20 min earlier....thx god...

1 comment:

Kent-V-Rock said...

你的另一个blog,mystery world几时才会update喔??