Monday, November 30, 2009

Walao a....Impossible...

I have made request to two jobs in to try my luck see i can get it or not....And i mention in last post that i will not get it because i am still 16 years old and i dun hav any the oppotunities drop from the sky and i am shocked to hear that....

Here's his reply:
Hi, Thanks for the interest. Basically what you're required to do is create a dynamic web site that has features like chat in real time, forums, uploading pics, events, etc. For web site design and layout, do check out, and yahoo answers. Also. Do state your expected pay for this project, as well as how long you plan to take. Perhaps we can arrange for a meeting to discuss further.

Should I accept it or??? But if i really finish this project i can get increase my job experience...but i really hope someone can do it with i am so fret and thinking how to reply this email....he ask me how much to pay o??? how i know??? How long I plan a??? Of course this month fast finish year SPM leh....GG....someone give me some opinion la...

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