Friday, November 20, 2009

3rd Day oF My HoLidAy~~

Last three days i juz fully indulge in computer regardless the time had passed through me...Someone ever said "Who does not love wine, wife & song will be a fool for his lifelong"....lolz.....I hoping with few days of depravation will not conduct me backward in studies...=.= Tomorrow i need to go to book exhibition with school trip...I dont like read book, hence i think i will not grab any capture from it....but i hope can learn something from it....arr~I feel very regret for getting 43.5 marks in physic test o.O...So i want to "digest" it this holiday because i know that after holiday this book might be in refrigerator or somewhere else...never ever touch again...Despite the target is hard to reach, but if i adhere to my plan it might success~ According to my calculation, let say i have 30 days, the book have 18 years past year paper....nonono....ermm...8 years enough...=.=|||....1 week muz do at least 2 years past paper...In order to persevere in my academics, i must accustomed to it~~ ^^

** Recently i found Ah Too write blog edi...with English also...So i cant lose to him...o.O I must post many many post in this blog...make it "flourish"...
** I wonder to know how others spend their holiday??
** ~TQ~ Hui Min's group for sending their physics (telescope compare table) to me~~

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