Monday, November 23, 2009

Whole Day Go Out Also~~

Whole family wake up early to go FRIM...except my elder sister...sleep like a pig...cant wake up...xD....We pay RM4 + (RM1 per person)=Rm8 to drive our car to get in....quite expensive...We separate into two team, mom and I go to climb the mountain(高武山 1000kaki) while my sis and dad just go for a walk approximate 10 or more kilometres....we bet who's the one to reach the car result is the same time....haha....the rain fall continuously causing the ground surface wet and enchance the difficulties to climb the mountain...I see many people queue up to take a ride for the canopy walk...i hope the other day i will have the opportunity to have a ride too...exciting...

We go selayang to eat mee after sent a radio to my relative....Just fill up some space in stomach because about 12pm we go to Korean Restaurant(Restaurant Seoul Korea) in Taman Desa...1st time eat original Korean Food...Lolx...Besides the my family, both of my sister bf also attend this meal...leonard forget bring his Windows 7 crack to week....See him bringing SLR where ever he go so that he will not miss any precious moment to be caught...He is not a diamond in the rough, he is an experienced person in taking photography...haha....Ah Xin late a bit and we all waiting for him to order food for us...(cos 1st time eat such Korean Food we dunno which is tasty and worth to eat...The waiter serve many small bowl of dishes and most of them are sour and eat as appetizer....especially those dishes can refill many times....haha...I think the most delicious is the barbecue pork....a cooker grill and serve us...come from conclude, i think the korean dishes not bad that taste, but prefer chinese dishes...haha... different culture difference local favour.....

After that we go Mid Valley shopping....many sales and most welcoming is Jusco Privilege Sales...all JCard member can get 15% discount on many goods...We spread our time on shopping after that we go expro exhibition...Then, we back to metro prima to eat Pizza Hut...So much enjoyment ho? No la....actually my pizza voucher going to expired edi.....lolz....we order one more crunchy pizza and it is absolutely the cheese sensation that melt entirely in my mouth....Compare to my regular pizza....It's a big difference.....lolx.....later we go Jusco Shopping again....swt...juz buy some toiletries...

I realise that my laptop haven close from morning until now....cos i wan upload anim8or video to youtube....Zhi Xin force me....xD....but in a nutshell i upload nothing...all failed....onli group C can upload onli...swt....wasting my time....ALL FAILED...making my so

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Onli this success onli........


LOL......quite long....xD...^^

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