Monday, November 16, 2009

Yeh....FiNally can On9 liao....

This few days make me so boring at home~~The ADSL signal lamp still blinking like giving me a hint that unable to connect to internet....This making me so frustrated and gloomy... I insist that i detest streamyx for giving me such a bad and unstable line...OMG....I think better call 100 to ask for assistant...But their reply is they also figuring out the problem....=.=Sometimes can connect....sometimes cant....everyday starring at the ADSL lamp to pray it stop blinking....But now, although the ADSL is no blinking right now, but i still cannot on9....hey, are u kidding? After that, I think the problem is not landing at streamyx, is about the setting of the modem....I call jun shen and ask him what's the format of username...He tell me XXX@streamyx....ahh? no nid .com meh? Then i realise that the matter is about the username....swt....although i can on9 now, but the line is continuously not stable.....Is that RM66 package giving the least priority? I dunno....

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