Sunday, November 29, 2009

Unpunctuality date...

27/11/2009...... delay post...

so tiring now....about 10 pm then reach my home wif wan see my tiny and dilapidated house....haha....wa....i wan get out of the nickname of "otaku"....i date wif fren always lol...some more tis round wif 4A Zhong lolz...coon wan me to meet wif his fren lo....getting knowing each other bout today's event...11.45 am i kidnapped by kh from IT centre....swt.....coon so rich that he insist to go Mid Valley by taxi expensive leh....i dun bother him and i decide to take KTM to MV lo...less than RM 3 onli...cheaper ma...== until 1.15pm then we reach there...sei lo....the organizer wan us 1pm reach there o.O...but then...nobody there...onli me and coon waiting there till 2.00pm then they come...after eat Macdonald we go bowling...cos we no book ticket for movie and there is a long line at the ticket window....weilun and pei fen so bore watching us playing bowling....the most frustrating is the bowling machine keep generating problem....and nid a period of time to wait the workers come to fix it....duh =.= ....erm....then we go sushi king and enjoy our expensive lunch again...lolx...cos the MacDonald food haven digest completely in my stomach so i juz eat a bit and plenty cup of green tea....before that song seng wan to belanja us but we all still give back the money to him too...we walk and walk to the garden and accidentally walk into Redbox liao...lolx....xi chen singing all the time and now the sound become like peacock liao...wei lun no sing at all...keep ban yeh onli....hao yi and xi chen sing 千里之外 really...really...."sexy" o...especially at chorus o...but this time Redbox song seng paid the expenses edi...ty him....after that he can fetch us to Kepong the KTM money lol...we meet ++ and qi xin at Padini store...and follow coon to MCKY shop..=.=...back to home i fell weary to the bone edi and i have to forfeit tmr sunway trip edi....bao sure angry with me liao...cos i put aeroplane late post edi...

1 comment:

松盛 said...

haha, u still remember it =)